
LETTER: Thirty Meter Telescope

“This telescope project has caused a firestorm of anger from the Hawaiian community that I’ve never seen in my entire 43 years living in Hawaii.”

LETTER: Hawai‘i Government Does not Exist, has no Authority

“Queen Lili‘uokalani sought to promulgate a new constitution reinstating the rights of the Mō‘ī and the kānaka … stripped by the 1887 Bayonet Constitution.”

LETTER: UH Board of Regents Chair Talks Maunakea

“At our University of Hawaiʻi, voices on both sides of the Thirty Meter Telescope issue have vigorously advocated for their respective positions.”

LETTER: Response To ‘Who Am I to Make a Comment?’

“The U.S. government, which includes the military, continues to profit greatly in Hawaiʻi post-1893.”

LETTER: Anti-Trust Safe Harbor the Answer for News Business

“The bill would provide news publishers a safe harbor in which to collectively negotiate with platforms like Google and Facebook.”

LETTER: Maunakea Has Turned Into Civil War

“Government is the failure that has caused dividing among all of us…”

LETTER: Thirty Meter Telescope Impasse

“We are a country of laws, which the state and county of Hawaii are failing to uphold. The Thirty Meter Telescope, along with all the lawful summit activities, are being held hostage.”

LETTER: Learn From Our History & Give TMT a Chance

“If we are going to “Kapu Aloha” then that means to “Kapu Aloha” everyone in the community, not just the ones that are in support of the Mauna.”

LETTER: Racism in America

“Why is racism only unacceptable if it is being demonstrated by white people.”

LETTER: ‘Who Am I to Make Comment?’

“So who am I to make such a comment you ask? First and most importantly, I am a citizen of the United States of America that is exercising her right to Freedom of Speech.”

LETTER: ‘Trump’s Embrace of White Supremacy is Poisoning America’s Soul’

“Although at this juncture enacting gun control laws remains critically important, they are not enough to remedy the damage that Trump has done to America.”

LETTER: To Mauna Kea Protestors & Hawaiians Seeking Sovereignty

“Kindly return your SS card to the government so they can stop issuing you you’re social security checks, food stamps, welfare checks, hud housing…”

LETTER: Kent State & the Aloha State—A Cautionary Tale

May 4, 1970: We should remember this date.

LETTER: Same Subject, Different Worlds

“I hear protestors speaking of desecrations and a line in the sand while supporters speak of a few rowdy malcontents obstructing the good of all mankind.”

LETTER: 3rd Party Should Mediate TMT Protest

“A third party should be brought in to help mediate the ongoing dispute between the State of Hawaii/TMT and protesters blocking Mauna Kea Access Road.”

LETTER: Astrophysics Graduate Students at TMT Partner Institutions Express Concern

We write to express concern about recent events on the Maunakea summit with regards to the construction of the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT).

LETTER: UCLA American Indian Studies Center Supports Kia‘i of Mauna Kea

“We support the efforts of Native Hawaiians in expressing their opposition to the construction of TMT.”

LETTER: Reflections on the Mauna

“How did we get to a place where hundreds of Hawai‘i police officers dressed in full riot gear are arresting kupuna and carting them off in paddy wagons?”

LETTER: State Sen. Kahele & TMT

“State Senator Kai Kahele’s recent actions haven’t helped the ongoing Thirty Meter Telescope impasse on Mauna Kea.”

LETTER: Behind the Veil: Why TMT Is a Human Rights Issue

The debate over the construction of the Thirty Meter Telescope has drawn fierce divisions across Hawai‘i.
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