#big island beach closure
State Confirms Beach Reopenings, Following County’s Lead
Social distancing protocols of wearing face coverings and social distancing remain in effect.
Limited Reopening of State Beach Parks Only For O‘ahu, Not Big Island
Hawai‘i’s Department of Land and Natural Resources announced Thursday that groups of five people or fewer would be allowed on state beaches and hiking trails. However, that change in policy does not impact current rules on the Big Island.
Mayor Kim Extends Big Island Beach Closures Until Oct. 1
Beach parks and coastal parks may be used for direct access to and from the ocean in order to engage in exercise, fishing, and gathering food.
Spencer Beach Park to Reopen
The Hawai‘i County Department of Parks and Recreation extended its apologies for the closure, thanking the public for their patience as the issue was resolved.
Swarming Bees Close Spencer Beach Park
The County of Hawai‘i Department of Parks and Recreation has closed Spencer Beach Park in North Kohala.