ʻImiloa Exhibit Invites Thoughts & Opinions Regarding Maunakea
A new reflecting wall exhibit at the ʻImiloa Astronomy Center—Maunakea Reflections—invites visitors to post their thoughts and opinions about Maunakea,
UH STUDY: Are Black Holes Made of Dark Energy?
Astronomers typically assume that large stars form black holes when they die, but this is not the only possible outcome.
Keck Observatory to Host Astronomy Talk
W.M. Keck Observatory is hosting an astronomy talk on one of the field’s most prevalent problems.
Keck Scientist to Present ‘In Search of the Ultimate Ruler’
W.M. Keck Observatory Chief Scientist John O’Meara will present In Search of the Ultimate Ruler: The Grand Challenge of Distances in Astronomy on Sept. 13.
VIDEO: Maunakea Telescope Wins ‘Oscars of Science’ for World’s First Black Hole Image
The Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration awarded 2020 Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics for innovative work done in capturing an image of Pōwehi.
Maunakea Observatory Helps Spot Exoplanet With Bizarre Orbit
Three times the mass of Jupiter, a first-of-its-kind planet swings around its star on bizarre, slingshot path.
Observations of the near-Earth asteroid 2006 QV89 made with the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope have ruled out any potential future impact threat to the Earth.
W.M. Keck Observatories to Host Astronomy Talk
A panel of several astronomers will talk story about the groundbreaking results from the Event Horizon Telescope and the pioneering role Maunakea Observatories played.
New Tool to Allow Astronomers New Glimpse of Universe
The instrument is comprised of three cameras, each studying the universe at a different wavelength, or color of light.
‘Imiloa Astronomy Center: The Search for Near-Earth Objects
‘Imiloa Astronomy Center will present The Search for Near-Earth Objects on Friday, Aug. 16, 2019, beginning at 7 p.m.
Maunakea Observatories: Groundbreaking Results From Event Horizon Telescope
An astronomy talk story about the groundbreaking results from the Event Horizon Telescope and the pioneering role Maukea Observatories played is set for Aug. 15.
UH Astronomer Maps Massive Void Bordering Milky Way
Researchers measured the motions of 18,000 galaxies and created a cosmographic map of the “Local Void.”
Researchers Use Keck to Help Challenge Einstein’s Famous Theory
Einstein’s 1915 theory holds that what we perceive as the force of gravity arises from the curvature of space and time. The scientist proposed that objects such as the sun and the Earth change this geometry.
Public Talk to Explore ‘Ultima Thule’ and Origins of Solar System
An astronomer and key member of the New Horizons mission team will discuss Ultima Thule in the Kuiper Belt.
UH Institute for Astronomy Awarded NASA Contract
The contract will continue the management and operation of the Infrared Telescope Facility on Maunakea under IfA.
Waiākea Grad Credits Local Astronomers with Interest in STEM
Lester Iwata is now pursuing a mechanical engineering degree at University of Portland with support from TMT’s THINK Fund.
Maunakea Observatories Names 2019 Hokuala Scholarship Awardee
Waipahu High School senior Jean Claude Dumaslan has been named the second-ever recipient of the Hokuala Scholarship Award
Hawai‘i STEM Program for Women Receives $15K
The STARS Program has received $15,000 in supplemental funding to encourage young women in STEM.
Maunakea Speaker Series to Feature Scholars & Hōkūala Scholarship Recipient Announcement
The evening presentation will include two Maunakea Scholars who will share results of their 2018 Maunakea Scholars projects on Hot Stars and Dark Matter.
IAU Adopts Hawaiian Names for Locally Discovered Asteroids
Maunakea Observatories and the ‘Imiloa Astronomy Center announced the acceptance of Hawaiian names for two asteroid discoveries made by telescopes in Hawai‘i.