#Hilo Gas Prices
Hilo first metro area in Hawai’i to average below $5 per gallon of gas in nine months
Hawaiʻi gas price averages dropped to their lowest levels since March, according to the AAA Hawaiʻi Weekend Gas Watch.
Big Island Gas Prices Up Slightly
The average price for regular gas in Hilo is $3.738 for regular on Monday, May 13, 2019.
Hawai‘i Weekend Gas Watch: Prices Up
Hawai‘i gas prices increased up to four cents a gallon throughout the islands this past week, according to the AAA Hawai‘i Weekend Gas Watch.
Average Gas Prices in Hawai‘i Hold Steady
Average gas prices in Hilo have increased while statewide averages remain the same.
Prices at the Pump Still Falling
Regular fuel in Hilo was an average of $2.52 on Tuesday. Kona’s average regular fuel price was $2.79.
Big Island Fuel Prices Continue Cent-by-Cent Drop
Fuel prices on the Big Island continue to drop cent-by-cent.