#hawaii volcano blog

Volcano Watch: How High is That Lava Fountain?

The onset of an eruption is frequently the most dynamic and vigorous period, requiring a quick evaluation of potential hazards.

Hawai‘i County Launches Volcano Recovery Survey, Eruption SpeakOut Event Set

Hawaiʻi County has launched a new phase of Talk Action, Take Action, as part of the gather-information-share-information initiative for Kīlauea eruption recovery.

January Marks Volcano Awareness Month

January 2019 marks the 10th annual “Volcano Awareness Month” on the Island of Hawai‘i.

What’s Next for Kīlauea Volcano?

The current inactivity at Kīlauea has so many possible outcomes that it is a real challenge to figure out what might happen next.

Kīlauea Activity Update: Nov. 15, 2018

Kīlauea is not erupting. Low rates of seismicity, deformation, and gas release have not changed significantly over the past week.

HDOT Preparing Highway 130 Alternate Route

Preparation of an alternative route in Puna are in progress should Kea‘au-Pāhoa Road (Highway 130) be cut off by the Kīlauea Volcano East Rift Zone Eruption.

VIDEO UPDATE: Series of Earthquakes Rattles Hawai‘i Island Chain

Recent earthquakes on Hawai‘i Island were felt as far away as Kaua‘i.

Hawai‘i Volcano Update: Earthquakes & Magma Intrusion Continue

The intensity of seismicity has diminished slightly overnight and the trend of eastward migration of earthquake activity appears to have slowed or ceased.

Slight Drop in Hawai‘i Island Earthquake Intensity

Earthquake activity continues with a slight drop in intensity since yesterday.

Volcano Overflight: ‘Lava on the Move!’

The complete collapse of the active vent on Kīlauea’s east rift zone on April 30, sent an amazing ash plume skyward…

Volcano Activity Update: Intrusion of Magma Continues

Overnight, earthquakes continued at a high rate in the area of the rift zone from Highway 130 eastward towards Kapoho…

50-Year-Old Kīlauea Dome Fountain Photo Resurfaces on Social Media

Mainstream media has picked up on a 50-year-old USGS image tweeted on March 29, 2018—an image of a ocean dome fountain that is nearly 65 feet tall.

Hawai‘i Volcano Watch: Monitoring Hawaiian Volcanoes Requires a Diversified Toolkit

A closer look at the instruments in HVO’s volcano monitoring network.

Hawai‘i Volcano Watch: Why Are HVO Scientists Talking So Much About Mauna Loa?

USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory clarifies a few facts about Mauna Loa’s recent unrest.

Hawai‘i Volcano Watch: Sounds we Can’t Hear Teach us About Lava Lakes

Most lava lake sounds cannot be heard by humans.

Hawai‘i Volcano Overflight: Stunning Activity in Puʻu ʻŌʻō Vent’s Lava Lake

The crew from Paradise Helicopters saw stunning activity in the Puʻu ʻŌʻō vent’s lava lake during a Jan. 25 overflight

Hawai‘i Volcano Activity Update: Dec. 21, 2017

The East Rift Zone remains active with scattered breakouts but no ocean entry.

Hawai‘i Volcano Activity Update: Nov. 30, 2017

A magnitude-2.8 earthquake reportedly occurred seven miles south of Kapa‘au this past week.

Hawai‘i Volcano Activity Update: Nov. 23, 2017

On Nov. 22, a magnitude-3.4 earthquake occurred west of Kīlauea’s summit.

Hawai‘i Volcano Watch: What is new Land at Kīlauea’s Ocean Entry Called?

A few years ago, “bench” was the common term, but geologists now prefer another word.
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