‘U Drive U Text U Pay’ National Campaign to Up Law Enforcement
Hawai’i Police Department officers are increasing distracted driving enforcement as part of the April national campaign “U Drive U Text U Pay.”
Driving requires full attention with focus on the roadway and driving maneuvers at hand, according to the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration, which highlights that distracted individual on roadways increase their chances of being involved in a motor vehicle crash.
HPD explains that a distraction is anything that takes a driver’s eyes or mind off the road or hands off the wheel.
The State of Hawai’i enforced a law on July 1, 2013 that prohibits the use of cell phones and other mobile devices while driving. Included in the ban are specific activities like texting, instant messaging, gaming, and e-mailing.
Those found operating an electronic device while operating a vehicle will pay a $207 fine. Infractions in a school or construction zone increase to $307.