Hawaiʻi Senate committee releases public briefings schedule for state budget
The Hawaiʻi State Senate Committee on Ways and Means released its 2023 informational briefings schedule regarding the state budget, with more than 20 briefings to be held between Jan. 10 and 24.
The purpose of these briefings is to provide the space for state and county agencies to present their budget requests to the Ways and Means committee prior to the start of the 2023 legislative session.
“The budget briefings are critical for the Senate and the public to get details and information about each department’s budget requests,” said Sen. Donovan Dela Cruz (District 17), the committee chair. “We expect to hear the administration’s plans and proposals for many issues such as housing, healthcare, homelessness and education.
Dela Cruz said it is important for the directors to communicate and explain exactly what the needs of their departments are in order to address them appropriately in the forthcoming session.
“We hope to see synergy, collaboration and a macro thought process instead of the typical siloed approach to solving problems,” he said.
For more information or questions regarding the schedule, please contact Ways and Means Committee Clerk Chung Chang at c.chang@capitol.hawaii.gov.