Gourd Decorating Workshop at Volcano Arts
A gourd decorating workshop will be held on Saturday, June 18, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Volcano Art Center’s Niaulani Campus.
The art of gourd decoration is an ancient tradition handed down through generations amongst many indigenous peoples.
To learn some traditional and not-so-traditional gourd decorating techniques, join Jelena Clay in her “Fabulous Gourd” workshop at Volcano Art Center.
Beginning and experienced levels ages 16 and up are welcome.
Learn how to select, prepare and decorate a gourd with pyrography (woodburning) and coil basketry technique for the rim. Application and control of your design will also be covered.
The supply fee includes pre-cleaned gourds plus botanicals for decoration, coloring and sealant.
Students need to bring a wood burning tool of choice. Beginner burning tools can be purchased from Ace Hardware or Home Depot.
Clay is a master fiber artist and nationally recognized gourd artist who has produced an ever-increasing variety of contemporary and traditional work in every natural fiber she can find.
Her interest in all Hawaiian art forms led her to gourds.
The workshop fee is $45 ($40 for VAC members) plus a $45 supply fee.
For more information or to register, call Volcano Art Center at (808) 967-8222 or visit www.volcanoartcenter.org.
The Volcano Art Center is a nonprofit educational organization created in 1974 to promote, develop, and perpetuate the artistic and cultural heritage of Hawai‘i’s people and environment through activities in the visual, literary and performing arts.