‘Gratitude for the Garden’ at Lili’uokalani Volunteer Day
Friends of Lili’uokalani Gardens will host its next volunteer day, “Gratitude for the Garden,” in coordination with the County of Hawai’i Department of Parks and Recreation on Saturday, May 7.
Park maintenance and improvement projects, including burning weeds off lava outcroppings, trimming small ironwood trees, and thinning the bamboo thicket, will take place and volunteers are invited to join in on the work day from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.
“Gratitude for the Garden” brings attention to East Hawai’i public gardens, such as Hawai’i Tropical Botanical Gardens and the Panaewa Rainforest Zoo, in addition to Lili`uokalani Gardens.
Volunteers should wear closed toe shoes and eye protection, and should also bring a rake or other garden tools.
The meeting point is at the picnic table in the old sumo ring near Shoroan (Urasenke tea house) on the Banyan Drive side of the park.
May 7 is also National Public Gardens Day. The day began in 2009 by the American Public Gardens Association.
For further information, please K.T. Cannon-Eger via e-mail at kteger@hawaii.rr.com or telephone at 895-8130.