Parents of ‘Peter Boy’ Kema Plead Not Guilty

Jaylin Kema (left) and Peter Kema Sr. HPD photos.
Peter Kema Sr. and his wife, Jaylin Kema, have each entered pleas of not guilty to second-degree murder charges in the case of their son, “Peter Boy” Kema, who was last seen in 1997.
Both individuals appeared in court on Friday, a day after being taken into custody.
According to the indictment, filed in court by Hawai’i County prosecuting attorney Mitch Roth, both parents allegedly “did intentionally or knowingly cause the death” of Peter Kema Jr. by failing to seek aid from law enforcement or medical officials while the boy, who was six years old at the time of his disappearance, was suffering from harm. The indictment also claims that both individuals were at “the scene of multiple crimes of assault” on the boy.
Peter Kema Sr. is facing bail of $500,000, while Jaylin Kema is in custody on $150,000 bail.