#rainfall summary
July was dry on the Big Island
Big Island rainfall totals for July were mostly below average, with many totals ranging from 30% to 70% of average. The Pāhoa rain gauge had its lowest July total since 2004, and area didn’t even record getting any rain last month.
Many Big Island rain gauges record below average rainfall totals in August
The most significant rain event for last month was Aug. 21, as the remnant moisture from what was Tropical Cyclone Fernanda moved across windward slopes of the Big Island and Maui. Automated rain gauges on the eastern side of the Big Island recorded 2 to 4 inches of rain.
December rainfall totals vary from mostly above to mostly below average
The U.S. Geological Survey’s rain gauge at Kawainui Stream had the highest monthly total of 15.03 inches, or 112% of average, and the highest daily total of 9.23 inches on Dec. 19.
Dry conditions persist through November in some parts of Big Island; others saw near or above average rainfall
Big Island rainfall totals for the year through the end of last month were near or below average at most rain gauges.
Big Island Sees Near to Below Average Rainfall in June
Much of the Big Island saw near to below average rainfall in June, according to the monthly precipitation summary from the National Weather Service in Honolulu.
November Was a Dry Month for the Big Island
Most of the rain gauges on the Big Island reported below average rainfall totals for the month of November, according to the monthly precipitation summary from the National Weather Service in Honolulu.
2021 March Rainfall Summary
Rainfall totals for 2021 through the end of March were near to above average at most of the gages on the Big Island.