Ocean Blog

Coastal Study Reveals What Beachgoers Value Most

What do beach goers in Hawaiʻi care most about at their favorite shoreline? According to a new study that surveyed Oʻahu residents, people place a higher value on water clarity and bacterial quality. The study, titled “Beach Recreationalists’ Willingness to Pay and Economic Implications of Coaster Water Quality Problems in Hawaiʻi,” was conducted by UH […]

How You Treat Jellyfish Stings Could Mean Life or Death

Do you know how to treat a jellyfish sting? According to researchers at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa (UHM), what you do after you get stung could potentially mean the difference between life and death. Researchers took a look at whether the commonly recommended first aid responses lessen the severity of stings from two […]

UH Study Reveals Viruses in Oceanic Basement

Hydrothermal vents and plumes, like those found at an active submarine volcano off the southeast coast of the Big Island], are the most spectacular evidence…

UH Study: Honolulu, Waikīkī Vulnerable to Affects of Rising Sea Level

Flooding will threaten real estate, nearly 30 miles of roadway, and impact commercial and recreation activities, tourism, transportation and infrastructure.

Shark Study Results Surprise Researchers

An eight-year shark study conducted 1,000 miles south of Hawai‘i has established the baseline for what is considered a healthy shark population, and its smaller than previously thought. The large-scale research project, led by The Nature Conservancy and the University of California at Santa Barbara, was conducted at Palmyra Atoll, an isolated national wildlife refuge. […]

Native Squid, Bacterium to Help Humans & Environment

UH researchers are studying the squid and its interactions with a bioluminescent bacterium that grows inside of it to shed light on the more complex human microbiome.

UH Study Revises ‘Great Dying’ Mass Extinction Estimate

A new study provides a more accurate picture of the history of life on Earth. “Life did not nearly disappear at the end of the Permian, as has often been claimed.”

Researchers Crack Marine Methane Paradox

A new study explains the mysterious source of greenhouse gas methane in the ocean.

Manganese Nodules Breeding Ground for Deep-Sea Octopods

A newly published study reveals new knowledge about life in the deep sea and the ecological significance of the manganese nodules.
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