Hawaii Telescopes Help Pinpoint Dark Heart of Nearest Radio Galaxy
With the resolving power of the EHT, astronomers can now link the vast radio lobes, or jets, of the source to their location of origin in the center of the Centaurus A galaxy.
Jupiter’s Moon May Have Conditions for Life
NASA-funded scientists are studying the cumulative effects of small impacts on Europa’s surface as they prepare to explore the distant moon with the Europa Clipper mission and study the possibilities for a future lander mission.
Astronomers Discover Smallest, Most Massive White Dwarf Ever Seen
Astronomers have discovered the smallest and most massive white dwarf ever seen.
New Type of Supernova Confirmed With Help From Keck Observatory
An international team of astronomers has captured the very first evidence of a new type of supernova.
Hawaiʻi Telescope Spots Three Near-Earth Objects
As a particular NEO moves about the sun, its orbit may occasionally bring it to where it can be observed from Earth, but sometimes that window of opportunity may only be a few days.
ʻImiloa Astronomy Center Celebrates 15th Birthday
Sponsored by KTA Super Stores, this year’s birthday theme is “Celebrating Our Great Outdoors.”
Fast Radio Burst Study Earns Astronomers Prestigious Award
Two astronomers in WM Keck Observatory ‘Ohana are among recipients of this year’s American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Newcomb Cleveland Prize for work on their fast radio burst (FRB) study.
Astronomers Discover Earliest Black Hole And Quasar In The Universe
Astronomers have discovered the most distant quasar ever found using several Maunakea Observatories.
Rocky Planet Discovered Orbiting Ancient Star
University of Hawai‘i astronomers using the WM Keck Observatory on Maunakea have discovered an ancient rocky planet in Earth’s home galaxy.
Mystery Surrounding Blue Ring Nebula Solved, Astronomers Believe
Astronomers have uncovered the 16-year-old mystery surrounding the Blue Ring Nebula – an unusual, large, faint blob of gas with a star at its center.
Astronomers Astounded by Unexplained Brightness Colossal Explosion
Astronomers have discovered the brightest infrared light from a short gamma-ray burst ever seen, with a bizarre glow that is more luminous than previously thought was possible.
Faint Super Planet Discovered by Radio Telescope
Astronomers used observations from a radio telescope and a pair of observatories on Maunakea to discover a cold brown dwarf, also known as a “super planet” or “failed star.”
Galaxies In Infant Universe Were Surprisingly Mature, Researchers Say
Astronomers have discovered that massive galaxies were already much more mature in the early universe than previously expected, astronomers announced Tuesday.
Astronomers Discover Anemic Star Cluster
Astronomers have discovered a massive star cluster in the Andromeda Galaxy, the closest large galaxy to our Milky Way, that is anemic.
Keck II Telescope Receives Upgrade to See in Infrared
The newly upgraded adaptive optics (AO) system on W.M. Keck Observatory’s Keck II telescope now features the first infrared pyramid wavefront sensor available for scientific use.
Hālau Lamakū Offers Place-Based Hawaiian Learning for Keiki
The program has been specially designed to provide social and academic stimulation for keiki in a safe environment.
100 Cool Worlds Found Near the Sun
With the help of citizen scientists, astrophysicists have discovered about 100 cool worlds in the Sun’s neighborhood. They’re brown dwarfs, sometimes referred to as “failed stars,” which are objects that are more massive than planets but lighter than stars.
Young Galaxy Holds Record for Lowest Oxygen Level Among Other Galaxies
A galaxy in the constellation Hercules that only recently started making stars has broken the record for having the lowest level of oxygen ever seen in a young galaxy.
Asteroid Discovered by UH Telescope to Pass Earth Today
An asteroid discovered on July 20 by the University of Hawaiʻi’s Pan-STARRS1 telescope atop Haleakalā will make a close pass of Earth today.
Watch: Astronomer Captures Time-Lapse of Passing Comet
A staff astronomer at the W.M. Keck Observatory captured video of the Comet NEOWISE from Mauna Loa.