‘This Is Just The First’
A massive galaxy cluster discovered by UH researchers is among the Inaugural images captured by NASA’s new James Webb Space Telescope.
Study: Asteroid Wears Boulder ‘Body Armor’ For Protection
A University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa scientist was part of a study that discovered that the boulder-covered surface of an asteroid within Earth space that came from the asteroid belt in our solar system protects it from small meteoroid impacts.
Hōkū Keʻa Observatory Meets Key Decommissioning Milestone
The decommissioning of a learning telescope atop Maunakea recently met a critical milestone.
Making The Nearly Invisible, Visible: Astronomers Trace Gas That Breathes Life Into Galaxies
Using a new method to see massive, yet barely visible, gas tanks that fuel the formation of stars, astronomers using a Big Island observatory have created the first ever spatial maps of the enormous gas clouds that birth galaxies.
AstroDay Gives Community Chance to Geek Out About Astronomy, Science
A future astronaut, one burgeoning paleontologist and hundreds of others of all ages and sizes came to space out Saturday, May 14, at Prince Kūhiō Plaza in Hilo for AstroDay.
2 Maunakea Observatories Help Produce First Image of Black Hole at Center of The Milky Way
The world now has an image of the giant occupying the darkness at the center of the Milky Way thanks to a collaborative effort among more than 300 researchers from 80 institutes from around the globe, including 11 observatories, two of which are on the Big Island.
Get Ready For a Trip to the Cosmos During AstroDay 2022
One of the Big Island astronomy sector’s signature events is set to blast off and everyone is invited.
Mauna Kea Management Authority Bill Passes Conference Committee
State and House negotiators voted Friday, April 29, to approve a measure that transitions management of Mauna Kea from the University of Hawai‘i to the Mauna a Wākea stewardship authority.
Students Have Chance to Name Lunar Camera
A Hawaiʻi nonprofit is giving students throughout the islands the chance to make their mark on the moon.
Maunakea Observatory Helps Astronomers Discover Rare Brown Dwarf Pair
Observations conducted with a Big Island observatory helped a team of astronomers discover a rare pair of brown dwarfs that has the widest separation of any brown dwarf binary system found to date.
Waipahu Students Win Telescope Time Through Maunakea Scholars Program
Several students from an Oʻahu high school are the latest to be named Maunakea Scholars.
Keck Observatory Part of Team to Discover Massive Cluster of Young Galaxies
An observatory atop Maunakea played a part in the discovery by an international team of astronomers that discovered a massive cluster of young galaxies forming in the early universe.
Maunakea Observatory Assists With New Study About Saturn’s Aurorae
An observatory atop Maunakea played a major part in a recent study involving high-altitude winds, aurorae and planetary rotation of Saturn.
UH Mission to Find Lunar Ice Gets $3M NASA Boost
A University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa project to detect ice deposits below the surface of the moon has received a nearly $3 million boost from NASA.
Largest Earth Trojan Asteroid to Date Discovered by UH Telescope on Maui
An asteroid bigger than the University of Hawaiʻi Mānoa campus discovered by a UH Institute for Astronomy telescope atop Haleakalā on Maui is only the second-known object of its kind ever found.
UH: Astronomers Trace Galaxy Flows
Everything in the universe moves, but the timescales needed to see motion are often vastly greater than human lifetimes.
Contest Seeks Designs for 2022 Maunakea Coin
Part of the mission of the Maunakea Observatories is to share their discoveries with Big Island students and the public. And sometimes, getting that conversation started can be as simple as minting a coin.
Report: Astronomy Continues to Significantly Impact Hawaiʻi Economy
Astronomy in Hawaiʻi supports employment of 1,313 residents and had a total economic impact of $221 million on the state in 2019, according to a University of Hawaiʻi Economic Research Organization update released Sunday, Jan. 30.
UH Regents Approve New Maunakea Master Plan
The University of Hawaiʻi Board of Regents during its meeting Thursday adopted the new Master Plan for UH-managed lands on Maunakea.
Sensors Designed at UH Institute for Astronomy to Be Aboard NASA Space Telescope
Technology pioneered by the University of Hawaiʻi Institute for Astronomy will allow astronomers to peer even farther into the universe.