Look up! Rare green comet will make its closest flyby of Earth tonight
Some reports say the comet, named C/2022 E3 (ZTF), could be bright enough to see with the naked eye, and definitely with a telescope or even binoculars.
Keck Observatory launches new electrician apprenticeship program for Hawaiʻi Community College students
The three-year pilot program offers highly specialized technical training and commercial work experience for students enrolled in the college’s Electrical Installation and Maintenance Technology Program.
Astronomers shed new light on mysterious dark matter
Baxter and his team were able to obtain new and high-precision constraints on the matter distribution of the universe across a wide range of cosmic history.
Rare green comet commeth after 50,000 years; and it may never return again
The green comet was discovered by astronomers at the Palomar Observatory in San Diego County, Calif., and made its closest approach to the sun on Jan. 12.
Decommissioning of Caltech observatory on Maunakea summit on track for this year
The Caltech telescope and the University of Hawai’i at Hilo telescope both are currently in the final stages of the decommissioning process mandated in the Maunakea Comprehensive Management Plan.
University of Hawaiʻi investigates coolant leak in Maunakea telescope
The University of Hawaiʻi has notified the Hawaiʻi Department of Health that it is investigating two fluid leaks from the chilling system of the UH 88 inch observatory on Maunakea, operated by the Institute for Astronomy, also known as IfA.
Hawaiʻi ends prosecution of kūpuna who protested Thirty Meter Telescope on Mauna Kea
New Hawai’i State Attorney General Anne Lopez said she decided that the continued pursuit of the cases of protesters of the Thirty Meter Telescope was not in the best interest of the people of the state.
Scientists find 2 giant black holes ‘dining together’ using Maunakea observatory data
The study about the black holes is published in the Jan. 9, 2023 issue of The Astrophysical Journal Letters and presented in a press conference at the 241st meeting of the American Astronomical Society in Seattle, Wash.
Planet spiraling to its doom discovered by University of Hawaiʻi astronomers
The planet, Kepler-1658b, with a size similar to Jupiter, is destined to spiral closer and closer to its maturing star until they collide and the planet is obliterated.
World’s most powerful solar telescope atop Haleakalā on Maui released first public data
During the first year of operations, a milestone was hit with data from the world’s largest solar telescope on Maui made available directly to the public and scientific community.
What happens if Saddle Road is closed because of the Mauna Loa eruption?
The Daniel K. Inouye Highway, or Saddle Road, is quite possibly the most important roadway on the island.
UH develops technology for future Artemis missions to Moon and Mars
UH Mānoa was one of six universities awarded space grants from NASA in 2020 as part of its Artemis Student Challenge program.
Moon enthusiasts in California remotely operate 700-pound planetary rover in Kailua-Kona
They weren’t on the moon — they were in California, remotely driving a rover over 2,000 miles away in Kailua-Kona.
Keck Planet Finder on Maunakea captures first data in ‘exciting chapter’ for astronomy
On Wednesday night, a new planet-hunting instrument at the W. M. Keck Observatory on Maunakea achieved “first light,” capturing its first data from the sky, a spectrum of the planet Jupiter.
Reach for the stars: Come learn about astronomy on AstroDay
Kona’s free annual AstroDay is fast approaching.
Deadline is Oct. 24 to provide feedback about relocating UH telescope to Hale Pōhaku
The UH Hilo teaching telescope now is undergoing decommissioning at the summit of Maunakea that is scheduled to be completed in 2023.
Astronomers in Hawaiʻi work every night to protect Earth from asteroids big and small
The University of Hawaiʻi is a major contributor to protecting Earth from asteroids big and small with several telescopes and programs.
‘Ohana Stargazing Event Inspires Keiki to Reach For The Stars
If a picture is worth 1,000 words, then looking through a telescope into the depths of space and the twinkling stars staring back at you while imagining all the possibilities is priceless.
Images of Blasts From Massive Stars Captured in Detail Using Telescope Atop Maunakea
Astronomers using a telescope atop Maunakea on the Big Island have captured the most detailed and complete images ever taken of the zone where the constellation of Orion gets zapped with ultraviolet radiation from massive young stars.
Thelma Parker Library to Host Webb First Images Celebration
Thelma Parker Memorial Public and School Library is joining hundreds of sites throughout the country to celebrate the release of the first images from NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope.