Maunakea Stargazing Program Moves to Four Nights a Week
The free stargazing program at the Maunakea Visitor Information Station on the Big Island will be reduced from seven to four nights a week starting on April 17.
Subaru Telescope Detects Shadow of Gas Cloud in Ancient Proto-Supercluster
The Suprime-Cam on the Subaru Telescope has been used to create the most-extensive map of neutral hydrogen gas in the early universe.
PISCES’ Summer STEM Program Receives $5K from HTDC
The Pacific International Space Center for Exploration Systems’ (PISCES) 2017 STARS (STEM Aerospace Research Scholars) Program, a summer workshop for high school women exploring space exploration, astronomy and engineering, will receive a $5,000 sponsorship from the High Technology Development Corp. (HTDC). “We’re very grateful for this generous award from HTDC,” said Rodrigo Romo, PISCES program […]
Keck Talk: ‘The Restless Universe’
“The Restless Universe: Palomar Transient Factory” will be presented at the Hualalai Learning Theater at Keck Headquarters on Friday, March 24.
Learning to Live on Mars… on Mauna Loa
Brian Shiro will take you through the day-to-day life of a HI-SEAS mission and what it’s like learning to live on Mars.
NASA Study: Possible Change in Lovejoy’s Water ‘Fingerprint’
A trip past the sun may have selectively altered the production of one form of water in a comet—an effect not seen by astronomers before…
Subaru Telescope Releases Image Data to Public
The National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ) has unveiled a massive database available to the public containing cosmic images captured by the Subaru Telescope atop Maunakea. The Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program (HSC-SSP), a survey conducted using an optical imaging camera mounted on the Subaru Telescope, released its first data for public viewing on Feb. […]
Near-Earth Objects: NASA and Planetary Defense
“The NEO Hazard: NASA and Planetary Defense” will be presented by Rob Landis and Dr. Kelly Fast on Saturday, Mar. 11, at 7 p.m. at ‘Imiloa Astronomy Center. Near-Earth Objects (NEOs) are leftover bits of solar system jetsam and flotsam that have been nudged into orbit around the Earth, allowing them to come within our close […]
Local Astronomer Makes New Saturn Discovery
A new finding by Hawaiʻi-based astronomer, Dr. Hideaki Fujiwara of the Subaru Telescope revealed that a portion of Saturn’s rings contrast much differently when viewed in the mid-infrared wavelength spectrum. Dr. Fujiwara made the discovery by analyzing images taken by a group of astronomers at the Subaru Telescope on Maunakea in January 2008. The images […]
‘Imiloa Astronomy Center Birthday Party
‘Imiloa Astronomy Center invites the community to its 11th Annual Birthday Celebration on Sunday, Feb. 26, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Keck Observatory Hunts for First Stars in Universe
John O’Meara of St. Michael’s College will discuss tools and techniques used to hunt for the first stars formed after the big bang, aka “Population III” stars.
ʻImiloa: Exploring the Dark Night Sky
Why is the sky dark at night? And what does “dark” mean exactly? The seemingly obvious answer to this question may raise even more questions in the curious mind. ‘Imiloa Astronomy Center invites the public to explore these and other questions on Friday, March 3 at 7 p.m. Gemini Observatory’s Dr. Tom Geballe will discuss […]
Hawai‘i Telescope Finds 100 Possible Planets
Astronomers have discovered over 100 new potential exoplanets after two decades of data gathered with the W.M. Keck Observatory on Maunakea.
Explore Mars at ‘Imiloa Maunakea Skies Talk
Interested in learning more about Mars and how it compares with Earth? ʻImiloa Astronomy Center will present Dr. Meg Schwamb, assistant scientist at Gemini Observatory during its next Maunakea Skies talk on Friday, Feb. 17 at 7 p.m. Dr. Schwamb will introduce the Planet Four project, a collaboration between researchers and over 150,000 “citizen scientist” […]
‘Maunakea Speakers Series’ Begins Feb. 9
The Office of Maunakea Management (OMKM), in collaboration with ‘Imiloa Astronomy Center and University of Hawai‘i at Hilo Department of Physics & Astronomy, will present “Birds of Paradise Lost” on Thursday, Feb. 9 from 7 – 8 p.m. at UH Hilo. The free talk will be presented by Dr. Rob Fleischer, senior scientist at the […]
Tracing Cosmic Web with Star-Forming Galaxies in Distant Universe
A research group led by Hiroshima University has revealed a picture of the increasing fraction of massive star-forming galaxies in the distant universe. Massive star-forming galaxies in the distant universe, about five billion years ago, trace large-scale structure in the universe. In the nearby universe, about three billion years ago, massive star-forming galaxies are not apparent. This […]
Maunakea Telescopes Measure Expansion of the Universe
The data from the Subaru Telescope played a major role in these findings.
Keck Observatory to Peer Deep Into Cosmic Web
Keck Cosmic Web Imager will uncover vital clues about the life-cycle of galaxies, helping to unravel mysteries about our universe.
Crew Enters Mars Habitat on Mauna Loa
At approximately 4:50 p.m. on Jan. 19, 2017, six astronaut-like crewmembers entered a geodesic dome located 8,200 feet above sea level on Mauna Loa…
Maunakea Skies: ‘Cracking the Code of Existence’
‘Imiloa presents Dr. Doug Simons, executive director of Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope.