Nobel Prize Laureate Talks Science of ‘Interstellar’ at Mauna Lani
More than 750 people attended the W.M. Keck Observatory Talk at Mauna Lani Bay Hotel.
‘Imiloa Maunakea Skies Talk to Feature NASA’s Dawn Mission
The next Maunakea Skies talk will feature Dr. Schelte Bus, Deputy Director at NASA’s Infrared Telescope Facility.
Astronomers Capture ‘First Light’ with Latest Keck Observatory Imager
‘NIRES’ is designed to find the faintest, most violent objects in the universe.
Keck Observatory Highlights Exciting Year in Astronomy
Keck Observatory is described as the world’s most scientifically productive optical and infrared telescope.
Study Suggests Black Holes can Control Galaxy Formation
UC San Diego researchers used data gathered at W.M. Keck Observatory and the ALMA.
Nobel Prize Winner to Give Free Talk on Science of ‘Interstellar’
Dr. Kip Thorne is a Caltech professor emeritus and the film’s executive producer.
Keck Observatory to Undergo Upgrade to Optics Systems
The upgrade is being funded by the National Science Foundation.
UH IfA Director Leaving for European Space Agency
UH Institute for Astronomy Director Günther Hasinger is leaving to be the next director of science at the European Space Agency, Europe’s equivalent to NASA.
Art Meets Science at Next Maunakea Skies Talk
“Feel, See and Color the Universe” will be held on Friday, Dec. 15, at 7 p.m.
Keck Observatory Helps Unravel Mystery of Massive Exoplanets
A Caltech-led team of scientists are observing massive exoplanets to determine their origins.
Public Input Sought on Removal of Maunakea Telescope
Caltech is proceeding to decommission the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory on Hawai‘i Island’s Maunakea.
Akamai Internship Program Accepting Applications for Summer 2018
Hawai‘i college students are eligible to apply for the 2018 summer program.
Discovery of New Twin Planets Could Solve Mystery
Scientists are getting closer to the answer of how did the largest planets get to be so large.
Astronomy Student Stars Start Maunakea Scholars Awards Season
The Maunakea Scholars program selected the first four student observers of the 2017-18 school year.
Spot the International Space Station
Hawai‘i residents can spot the International Space Station (ISS) tonight (depending on clouds).
Hawai‘i Astronomer: First Interstellar Visitor is ʻVery Strange’
It is unlike anything normally found in the Solar System.
TMT Primary Mirrors Enter Production Phase
The Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) has entered into a contract with Coherent Inc.
1,000+ Experience Cosmos at Keck Open House
Keck Observatory welcomed the community to a free, family-friendly Open House at its Waimea headquarters on Saturday, Nov. 11, 2017.
Bizarre Discovery Challenges Existing Theories on Supernovae
Data gathered at W.M. Keck Observatory on Maunakea contributed to the discovery.
Maunakea Scientists Study Potentially Habitable Planets
A total of seven planets have been discovered around TRAPPIST-1 by using the transit technique, in which astronomers carefully measure the small dimming that occurs when one or more of the planets crosses in front of the star.