
Big Island Now Poll results: Improving physical health was top New Year’s resolution

Improving physical health and improving mental health were the top two most popular resolutions in the Big Island Now poll.

Big Island Now poll No. 43: What is your New Year’s resolution for 2024?

Setting a New Year’s resolution is a relatively common practice in the United States. A 2022 YouGov poll revealed that more than one-third of Americans, 37%, said they had a goal or resolution they wanted to achieve last year.

Big Island Now poll No. 40 results: Vote close between those who agree portions of Maunakea should be be listed as historic places and those who don’t

Out of the total 1,075 votes, 480, or 44%, said yes, of course those lands should be on the historic registers while 454, or 42%, said no, it’s not necessary.

Big Island Now poll No. 32: What was your favorite part of the 2023 VinFast Ironman World Championship on the Big Island?

After a week of events leading up to race day, a champion has been crowned for the first ever VinFast Ironman World Championship triathlon completely dedicated to some of the best women athletes from around the world. What was your favorite part of this year’s festivities?

Big Island Now Poll No. 30: Have you seen your concerns addressed after attending a Coffee with a Cop event?

The popular event provides the opportunity for community members and police to have candid conversations and ask questions over a simple cup of joe about topics ranging from sharing personal stories to discussing neighborhood issues.

Big Island Now poll No. 27 results: More than one solution needed to help extend life of West Hawai‘i landfill

Of the 900 total votes in our most recent poll, which asked people to weigh in on the best way to extend the life of the Big Island’s only remaining landfill, all of the above was the most popular answer, garnering 274 votes, or 30%.

Big Island Now poll No. 27: What’s the best way to extend the life of the Big Island’s only remaining landfill?

The West Hawai‘i Sanitary Landfill, the only working landfill on the island since the Hilo Landfill on the east side closed permanently 3 years ago, has about 20 to 25 years before it reaches capacity.

Big Island Now poll No. 26 results: No matter what you bring to a Labor Day BBQ, it’s sharing that counts

There was a tie for the top two, with your aunty’s potato-mac salad and other each getting 21 votes, or 20% of the total vote.

Poll results: Readers say more than one solution to best prevent wildfires on Big Island

Big Island Now voters weighed in that reducing/controlling invasive species was the No. 2 best thing to do to prevent wildfires on the island. What came in No. 1?

What did voters think is biggest need for Big Island schools?

Despite a new 4-year contract that raises the average annual pay for teachers by 3.4%, how much teachers in Hawai‘i make remains a concern of Big Island Now readers.

Big Island Now poll No. 23: What is the biggest need for public schools on the Big Island?

Public schools in Hawaiʻi face many challenges. What do you think is the biggest need this upcoming school year? Take Big Island Now’s poll.

Poll results: Should the Thirty Meter Telescope be built on Maunakea?

The observatory, which would feature one of the world’s largest land-based telescopes, has languished for years, facing not only legal challenges but also opponents who maintain it will desecrate Maunakea, which many Native Hawaiians consider sacred.

What should be done to revitalize Hilo’s historic Banyan Drive? Poll results are mixed

Demolition of the former Uncle Billy’s Hilo Bay Hotel is just one step to transforming the “Hilo Walk of Fame.” What did Big Island Now readers think should be done to revitalize Banyan Drive?

Big Island Now Poll No. 19 results: More limitations needed for manta ray tours

When it comes to how Hawai‘i should handle manta ray commercial tours off the west coast of the Big Island, voters in Big Island Now’s most recent poll seem to agree that more limitations and restrictions are needed. Of the total 994 votes in the poll — which asked “How do you think the State […]

More telescopes or less? Results mixed for Big Island Now’s most recent poll

The new Maunakea Stewardship and Oversight Authority board, during the next five years, is tasked with creating a new master plan for Maunakea on the Big Island and making sure that plan balances culture and environment with astronomy and economic benefits.

Big Island Now Poll No. 17: What should be included in a new Maunakea management plan?

Part of developing a new management plan for Maunakea on the Big Island will be including voices that might not have been heard in the past and will include public input.

What’s the biggest issue facing the LGBTQ+ community on the Big Island?

Hawai‘i bucks the trend of anti-LGBTQ+ sentiment in several states throughout the nation, but that doesn’t mean members of the community here on the Big Island don’t still face challenges.

Big Island Now Poll No. 16: What’s the biggest issue facing the LGBTQ+ community on the Big Island?

While there have been strides made throughout the United States on inclusion and acceptance of members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, plus community since the first Pride march in 1970 in New York City, the fight for equality continues.

How do you show appreciation for Mom on Mother’s Day? Take our 30-second poll #10

According to the National Retail Federation, 84 percent of U.S. adults plan to celebrate Mother’s Day this year. Take Big Island Now’s 30-second poll and let us know how you will show your appreciation for Mom.

Asteroids and Aliens: TikTok ‘time traveler’ predicts world’s end this week

Make your preparations now! A self-proclaimed “time traveler” posting on the popular social media platform TikTok is saying hostile aliens will destroy Earth on March 23. But another alien, called “The Champion” will save 8,000 people to ensure humanity’s survival.
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