More telescopes or less? Results mixed for Big Island Now’s most recent poll
The new Maunakea Stewardship and Oversight Authority board, during the next five years, is tasked with creating a new master plan for Maunakea on the Big Island and making sure that plan balances culture and environment with astronomy and economic benefits.
Big Island Now Poll No. 17: What should be included in a new Maunakea management plan?
Part of developing a new management plan for Maunakea on the Big Island will be including voices that might not have been heard in the past and will include public input.
What’s the biggest issue facing the LGBTQ+ community on the Big Island?
Hawai‘i bucks the trend of anti-LGBTQ+ sentiment in several states throughout the nation, but that doesn’t mean members of the community here on the Big Island don’t still face challenges.
Big Island Now Poll No. 16: What’s the biggest issue facing the LGBTQ+ community on the Big Island?
While there have been strides made throughout the United States on inclusion and acceptance of members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, plus community since the first Pride march in 1970 in New York City, the fight for equality continues.
How do you show appreciation for Mom on Mother’s Day? Take our 30-second poll #10
According to the National Retail Federation, 84 percent of U.S. adults plan to celebrate Mother’s Day this year. Take Big Island Now’s 30-second poll and let us know how you will show your appreciation for Mom.
Asteroids and Aliens: TikTok ‘time traveler’ predicts world’s end this week
Make your preparations now! A self-proclaimed “time traveler” posting on the popular social media platform TikTok is saying hostile aliens will destroy Earth on March 23. But another alien, called “The Champion” will save 8,000 people to ensure humanity’s survival.
Hāpuna claims top spot as favorite beach in Big Island Now weekly poll; see results
The half-mile white coral sand Hāpuna Beach, the largest white sand beach on the Big Island features crystal-clear water and also offers bodysurfing and sunbathing opportunities along other beach-related activities such as picnicking.
What profession received the most votes in Big Island Now’s weekly poll?
More than 900 people voted in last week’s Big Island Now poll, which asked, “What is the toughest job?” Find out which profession came out on top.
And the winner of the first first Big Island Now/Kauaʻi Now poll is …
Readers were asked “What’s your favorite extraterrestrial event in 2023?” and the comet garnered one-quarter of the total vote.
County prosecutor’s office seeks public input on legislative initiatives
Throughout the past year, the office has met with community groups, neighborhood watches, community stakeholders and Big Island residents about their concerns and interests. Now the office is inviting members of the public to take its 2023 legislative initiatives survey.
VIDEO: Representation of indigenous peoples discussed in final episode of ‘Conversations with Kai’
U.S. Rep. Kai Kahele of Hawaiʻi sat down with Congresswoman Sharice Davids of Kansas and Congresswoman Mary Peltola of Alaska to discuss the representation of indigenous peoples.
New chainsaw drone attachment deployed to fight rapid ʻōhiʻa death
The device is now being put to the test, sampling tree branch samples for diagnostic laboratory testing and other purposes.
Public invited to briefing about proposed update to vacation rental regulations
The proposed amendments come nearly four years after the County adopted the initial short-term vacation rental ordinance in November 2018.
UH study: Reef halos could enable coral telehealth checkup worldwide
These bands of bare, sandy seafloor surrounding coral patch reefs could provide a window into reef health around the globe.
Hawaiʻi County Council passes first law in state regulating where firearms can be carried
After weeks of work and hours of discussion and testimony, the Hawai‘i County Council on Wednesday adopted Bill 220, detailing several “sensitive places” where carrying a licensed firearm, concealed or not, will be prohibited on the Big Island.
Big Island police urge safety on the roads during the holidays
So far this year there have been 33 traffic fatalities on the Big Island, according to the Hawai‘i Police Department.
UH study: No-fishing zones benefit ʻahi, other large fish species
The recovery is good news for the environment and the global tuna fishing industry, which generates $40 billion in revenues each year and supports millions of jobs around the world.
Public input sought for project at Pu’uhonua o Hōnaunau National Historical Park
The National Park Service is in the early stages of project planning to remove and replace the existing maintenance facilities at the park that are no inappropriately occupying areas that contain historic and ancient archaeological resources.
County winding down Emergency Rental Assistance Program
All financial assistance approved moving forward will be prioritized, and funds will be disbursed to households facing eviction, utility shutoff or who have an unemployed adult and are at risk of homelessness.
Volcano Watch: Inflating volcanoes or cloudy data? Discerning deformation from noise with InSAR
Satellites orbiting the Earth can provide normal “pictures” of a place, but can also provide thermal images, measure amounts and types of gases, changes in gravity and topography.