East Hawaii News

Update: Bail reduced for Hilo man facing slew of drug, firearms charges

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Update at 5:55 p.m. June 17: Jantzen-James Mata, 39, of Hilo, who faces several drug and firearms charges related to the execution of a narcotics search warrant on the vehicle he was driving during a routine traffic stop in Puna made his initial court appearance Monday afternoon in Hilo District Court.

Jantzen-James Mata

Despite prosecutors’ objections, Mata’s bail was reduced to $411,000 and he was ordered to appear June 19 for a preliminary hearing.

Original post from 12:41 p.m. June 17: A Hilo man faces several charges after he was arrested following the execution of a narcotics search warrant on the vehicle he was driving that turned up 400 grams of methamphetamine, drug paraphernalia more than $1,200 in cash, a loaded semi-automatic Smith & Wesson 9mm pistol and ammunition during a routine traffic stop on Highway 11 in Puna.

Jantzen-James Mata, 39, will make his initial appearance this afternoon in Hilo District Court. He remained in custody Monday morning in lieu of $611,000 bail.


Mata is charged with:

  • First-degree attempted promoting a dangerous drug.
  • First-degree promoting a dangerous drug.
  • Three counts of third-degree promoting a dangerous drug.
  • Operating a vehicle under the influence of an intoxicant.
  • Place to keep pistol or revolver.
  • Possession of a firearm with intent to facilitate the commission of a felony drug offense.
  • Carrying or possessing a loaded firearm on a public highway.
  • Ownership or possession of firearm prohibited.
  • Two counts of ownership or possession of ammunition prohibited.

The most serious offenses — first-degree promoting a dangerous drug and first-degree attempted promoting a dangerous drug and possession of a firearm with intent to facilitate the commission of a felony drug offense — are Class A felonies each carrying a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison.

Prosecutors have notified the court that if Mata is convicted as charged, they will seek an extended term of imprisonment.



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