Procession to Commemorate King Kamehameha I Passing
Kahu Kealoha Ka‘opua and Kauhane Heloca will lead a procession of chanters and Royal Societies on Wednesday, May 8, 2019, starting at 5 a.m. from Hale Halawai and proceeding along Ali‘i Drive to Ka‘ahumanu fronting Kailua Pier and leading to a sunrise (5:55 am) ceremony with appropriate protocols at Ahu‘ena Heiau.
Arriving at Ahu‘ena Heiau, the procession will be met by Kai ‘Opua Canoe Club’s convoy of canoes in Kamakahonu Bay. The procession of chanters and Royal Societies will face Hualālai and the Kahu will lead the Royal Order Kamehameha I Moku o Kona at sunrise. Presentation of ho‘okupu by the Royal Societies and others will follow.
In addition to the Royal Order of Kamehameha I Moku o Kona, ‘Ahahui Ka‘ahumanu’s Kona, Waimea and Kohala chapters are participating with the Daughters of Hawai‘i. Other Hawaiian societies, cultural entities, civic clubs and others are invited to attend and present ho‘okupu.
Chanters wishing to participate are invited to contact Kealoha Ka‘opua by May 1 via email or by calling (808) 895-6487 for more detailed event information.
Cultural groups and others wanting to present ho‘okupu are encouraged to call Ahu‘ena Heiau Board Chair Tom Hickcox at (808) 756-0756.
Ali‘i Drive will be closed from Hualālai Road to Ka‘ahumanu Place on Wednesday, May 8, from 4:15 to 5:30 a.m.