County to Revise Flood Hazard Info for Palai Stream
The County of Hawai‘i Department of Public Works, in accordance with National Flood Insurance Program regulation 65.7(b)(1), has given notice of its intent to revise the flood hazard information, generally located between Kahopea Street and Awapuhi Street along Palai Stream.
The flood hazard revisions are being proposed as part of Conditional Letter of Map Revision Case No. 17-09-0389P, for a proposed Hilo Senior Living project along the subject area of Palai Stream.
Engineering Partners Inc. is proposing to revise the floodway along the subject area of Palai Stream as part of a project to create a building for commercial space and a housing development for senior assisted living.
Once the project has been completed, a Letter of Map Revision request should be submitted that will, in part, revise the following flood hazards along the subject area of Palai Stream. In addition to the revisions to the floodway, the base flood elevations will remain unchanged and/or decrease and the SFHA will increase and/or decrease along the subject area of Palai Stream.
Maps and detailed analysis of the revision can be reviewed at the County of Hawai‘i Department of Public Works at Aupuni Center located at 101 Pauahi St., Ste. 7, in Hilo.
Interested persons may call Bryce Harada at 961-8042 for additional information between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.