HPD Weekly DUI Statistical Breakdown
Twenty-two motorists were arrested for driving under the influence of an intoxicant on Big Island roadways between April 27 and May 3. Of the 22 arrests, three were involved in traffic crashes. These numbers come from the Hawai’i Police Department’s weekly statistical report.
So far in 2015, a decrease of 25.3 percent has been seen in DUI related arrests. There have been 328 arrests, compared to 439 during the same time period in 2014.
Major accidents have also seen a decrease this year. The number has decreased by 15.6 percent, from 571 in 2014 to 482 in 2015.
Traffic fatalities remain high in 2015. There have been seven deaths on Big Island roadways this year, compared to five at the same time last year. Of the seven fatalities, one has been related to drugs and three were related to a combination of drugs and alcohol.
HPD will patrol throughout the island and DUI roadblocks will continue.