Water Board Seeks Comment in Power Charge Decrease
Hawai’i County’s Water Board is preparing to hold a public hearing at the Department of Water Supply Operation Center Conference Room on Tuesday, April 28 in order to discuss with the public the possibility of decreasing the DWS Power Cost Charge.
Currently, the Power Cost Charge is $2.35 per thousand gallons and is under consideration for a decrease to $2.32 per thousand gallons.
Anyone who wishes to share their views on the decrease or enter a comment or other data in relation to the Water Board’s Power Cost Charge can submit their statements in writing to the Chairperson of the Water Board of the County by the scheduled public hearing. Individuals who are interested in appearing in person may also do so.
Submissions can be sent to the following address: Chairperson in care of the Department of Water Supply; 345 Kekuanao’a Street; Hilo, Hawaii 96720