Take a hike, why don’t ya, along Mauna Loa Road
Take a hike. Really. Go. We’re not being harsh here. Seriously.
A historic and scenic route inside Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park reopened this week and it’s perfect for working off some of those extra Turkey Day calories.

Motorists, hikers and cyclists can once again enjoy Mauna Loa Road from Kīpukapuaulu to the 6,667-foot Mauna Loa Lookout 7 days a week after work to drill into and take samples of material under the roadway finished several weeks early.
The drilling and sampling, as well as ongoing surveying, are part of a rehabilitation project for Mauna Loa Road that will improve its safety and accessibility while keeping its historic width and scenic alignment through native forest, lava flows and viewpoints.
Surveyors continue their work along the road, with remaining survey work possibly lasting through mid-December. Motorists are urged to drive slowly, safely and obey all signs.
The Mauna Loa rehab project is expected to start in late 2025.
Visit the Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park website for this and other construction-related updates.