Hawai'i State News

Nā‘ālehu man arrested for touching 14-year-old girl while onboard Honolulu-bound flight

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Shane Curry Bloking. Photo Courtesy: Hawai‘i Police Department

Hawai‘i Island police arrested a 49-year-old Nā‘ālehu man for fourth-degree sexual assault – following an incident that occurred onboard an evening flight bound for Honolulu from Hilo International Airport on March 8.
As the flight was taxiing on the runway, Shane Curry Bloking reportedly touched and squeezed the leg of a 14-year-old girl he did not know, who was seated next to him, causing her to feel alarmed and unsafe.

A passenger seated on the opposite side of the girl observed her to appear emotionally traumatized by Bloking’s actions and alerted a flight attendant, which resulted in the plane being diverted back to the terminal gate, where Bloking was detained by airport police until officers arrived and took him into custody.
The 14-year-old victim had been in Hilo for several days for a function with other students and chaperones. After the plane returned to the terminal gate and Bloking was arrested, the flight was able to leave.
On the afternoon of March 9, after conferring with the County Prosecutor’s Office, detectives from the Area I Juvenile Aid Section were advised to release Bloking for the sexual assault offense, as according to the Hawai‘i Revised Statutes, the elements for sexual assault had not been met by the actions of Bloking. He was then arrested and charged for harassment. The sexual assault case will be forwarded to the Office of the Prosecuting Attorney for further review.
Bloking was later released from police custody on the harassment charge after posting $100 bail. He was issued a notice to appear for his initial court appearance schedule for April 2 at 1:30 p.m. in Hilo District Court.


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