Big Island Now poll No. 25: What are ocean access priorities in Puna following 2018 Kīlauea eruption?
The loss of ocean access has had a huge impact on Puna residents following the 2018 Kīlauea eruption.
Several local surf spots were inundated along with ‘Ahalanui Beach Park. The beloved Pohoiki Bay is no longer safe as volcanic debris have eliminated the shoreline leaving an 8-foot wall of rock behind. The Pohoiki Boat Ramp at Isaac Kepo‘okalani Hale Beach Park, once the state’s third-most productive fishing ground, is now landlocked.
With the release of Federal Emergency Management Agency’s draft assessment report of the lava-impacted areas, work to restore roads, waterlines and park facilities will begin mostly likely 2024. Additionally, there are community efforts to restore access to what’s left at ‘Ahalanui.