Master developer named for project to create 10,000 affordable housing units in Hawai‘i
A new master developer has been named for a statewide affordable housing project.
The Ka Lei Momi Redevelopment Project aims to create more than 10,000 affordable housing units throughout Hawai‘i. Its vision is to replace and create housing units for extremely low-income people, families and workforce employees.

The Hawai‘i Public Housing Authority recently announced that Gardena, Calif.-based Highridge Costa Development Co. will lead the effort, working in multiple phases to complete the project that encompasses nine properties, including Lanakila Homes which is located in Hilo. The others are on O‘ahu and Kaua‘i.
“At Highridge Costa, we sincerely believe everyone deserves a safe, attractive place to call home, and we’re humbled and honored to help make that dream attainable through our work as master developer for Ka Lei Momi in partnership with [the Hawai‘i Public Housing Authority],” said Moe Mohanna, president of Highridge Costa Development Co. in a press release.
Mohanna added that the goal is to deliver new housing communities that will change the lives of kama‘āina.
The announcement of the new Ka Lei Momi master developer follows Hawai‘i Gov. Josh Green signings bills that offer relief to the housing shortage, support for people facing homelessness and a supportive housing pilot program.
“All of these pieces work together to really help alleviate the housing crisis,” Green said in the press release.
Hawai‘i Public Housing Authority Executive Director Hakim Ouansafi said the Ka Lei Momi project is the start of a journey to revitalize multiple communities within the state’s public housing inventory.
“Redevelopment presents an exceptional opportunity to close the gap between the need and supply of affordable housing in Hawai‘i while also transforming our existing low-density public housing properties into modern, mixed-use, mixed-income, transit-oriented communities,” Ouansafi said in the press release.