Hāna Highway on Maui closed at Alelele Point near Kīpahulu in wake of recent rockfall

Due to safety issues in the wake of recent rockfall, the County of Maui closed Hāna Highway from Alelele Bridge to Lelekea Bridge near Kīpahulu in East Maui.

Motorists will not be able to travel between Hāna and Kaupō areas during the closure, which may extend up to a month, according to a county news release.
County crews will be working to stabilize cliffside conditions including removing loose rocks. An engineering assessment on May 10 deemed the cliffside unsafe.
Message boards will be placed in Kanaio and in Hāna to alert motorists about the road closure.
In recent days, rockfall has obstructed the road, creating hazardous conditions. Last week, a vehicle was damaged in the area from rocks and cliffside mud. The driver was uninjured, but the incident triggered an assessment of safety conditions.