More than three dozens officers from three law enforcement agencies conducted a dawn sweep of the condemned and dilapidated former Uncle Billy’s Hotel and Resort on Banyan Drive in Hilo, arresting two people on outstanding warrants and citing 10 people for trespassing. (Department of Land and Natural Resources)
More than three dozens officers from three law enforcement agencies conducted a dawn sweep of the condemned and dilapidated former Uncle Billy’s Hotel and Resort on Banyan Drive in Hilo. The result: two people arrested on outstanding warrants and 10 citations issued for simple trespass.
Officers from the state Division of Conservation and Resources Enforcement, the Hawai‘i Police Department and the State Sheriff Division split into five teams to search the three-story building which is condemned because of unsafe and unsanitary conditions caused by years of neglect and a March 2022 fire.
More than three dozens officers from three law enforcement agencies conducted a dawn sweep of the condemned and dilapidated former Uncle Billy’s Hotel and Resort on Banyan Drive in Hilo, arresting two people on outstanding warrants and citing 10 people for trespassing. (Department of Land and Natural Resources)
Law enforcement conducted a dawn sweep on April 5, 2023 of Uncle Billy’s Hotel and Resort on Banyan Drive in Hilo. (Department of Land and Natural Resources)
The state Department of Land and Natural Resources continues to seek a general fund appropriation from the State Legislature of at least $12.5 million for demolition of the once iconic Uncle Billy’s Hotel & Resort. (Department of Land and Natural Resources)
The state Department of Land and Natural Resources continues to seek a general fund appropriation from the State Legislature of at least $12.5 million for demolition of the once iconic Uncle Billy’s Hotel & Resort. (Department of Land and Natural Resources)
Law enforcement conducted a dawn sweep on April 5, 2023 of Uncle Billy’s Hotel and Resort on Banyan Drive in Hilo. (Department of Land and Natural Resources)
Law enforcement arrested two people on outstanding warrants during a dawn sweep on April 5, 2023 of Uncle Billy’s Hotel and Resort on Banyan Drive in Hilo. (Department of Land and Natural Resources)
Law enforcement cited 10 people for trespassing during a dawn sweep on April 5, 2023 of Uncle Billy’s Hotel and Resort on Banyan Drive in Hilo. (Department of Land and Natural Resources)
The state Department of Land and Natural Resources continues to seek a general fund appropriation from the State Legislature of at least $12.5 million for demolition of the once iconic Uncle Billy’s Hotel & Resort. (Department of Land and Natural Resources)
Law enforcement arrested two people on outstanding warrants during a dawn sweep on April 5, 2023 of Uncle Billy’s Hotel and Resort on Banyan Drive in Hilo. (Department of Land and Natural Resources)
Law enforcement conducted a dawn sweep on April 5, 2023 of Uncle Billy’s Hotel and Resort on Banyan Drive in Hilo. (Department of Land and Natural Resources)
Law enforcement conducted a dawn sweep on April 5, 2023 of Uncle Billy’s Hotel and Resort on Banyan Drive in Hilo. (Department of Land and Natural Resources)
Law enforcement conducted a dawn sweep on April 5, 2023 of Uncle Billy’s Hotel and Resort on Banyan Drive in Hilo. (Department of Land and Natural Resources)
Law enforcement conducted a dawn sweep on April 5, 2023 of Uncle Billy’s Hotel and Resort on Banyan Drive in Hilo. (Department of Land and Natural Resources)
The once-thriving and popular resort is an eyesore and extremely dangerous to be inside. Rubbish, human waste, graffiti, hanging wires and trip hazards are evident throughout the building. Officers wore protective shoe coverings and many used N-95 protective masks, according to a press release from the state Department of Land and Natural Resources.
The building was cleared in less than 30 minutes. All people inside the building were brought to the parking lot where they were cited or arrested.
“We can’t stress strongly enough that anyone staying in Uncle Billy’s is subjecting themselves to serious injury due to obstructions, hanging wires, filthy conditions, and fire,” said Jason Redulla, chief of the state Division of Conservation and Resources Enforcement. “We hope anyone contemplating returning will take this into consideration.”
The department has contract security services on the property during nighttime hours, and the department is considering additional security measures, including perimeter fencing and lighting to further secure the premises from trespassers.
“The property has multiple entrance points and it is impossible for a single security guard to man each one,” said Dan Dennison, senior communications manager with the Department of Land and Natural Resources. “Security guards do not have law enforcement authority and will call the police when they spot someone trespassing.”
The state Department of Land and Natural Resources continues to seek a general fund appropriation from the State Legislature of at least $12.5 million for demolition of the building.
The people cited for trespassing are scheduled to appear in Hilo District Court on May 19.
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