Learn to Age in Place on Hawai`i Island
AARP Hawai`i, the Hawai`i Community Caregiver Network, and Project Dana are holding a freeAWAthree-part webinar series on Saturdays from April 17 through May 1.
Most people want to grow old in the neighborhoods and communities that they feel comfortable in, especially if that place is on Hawai`i island. But it’s not always easy to age in place. There can be financial and legal issues, limited housing options and caregiving considerations.
Planning and preparation can make it easier to choose how you want to live as you age.
Register for a Zoom at aarp.org/nearyou or go to the AARP Hawai`i Facebook page and click on the Upcoming Events tab. The webinars are free and you do not have to be an AARP member to attend.
The webinars and topics offered at 10 a.m. each Saturday are:
April 17: Legal & Financial Issues
April 24: Housing Options for Older Adults on Hawai’i Island (10 AM)
May 1: Eldercare Resources