Food Basket Receives $33K Donation from HFS Credit Union

Pictured left to right: (Front) Sarah Hamakawa, Nathan Abe, Kristin Frost Albrecht and Donna Stillman; (Back) Duryn Izumo, Vincent Cruz and Daniel Torres Ramos. Image courtesy of HFS Federal Credit Union.
The Food Basket received a more than $33,000 donation from HFS Federal Credit Union this year to help feed hungry children on Hawai‘i Island.
HFS raised a total of $33,312.19 during its annual fundraiser and selected The Food Basketʻs “We Got Your Back” Keiki Backpack Program as the beneficiary of its fundraiser.
“Due to the truly amazing outpouring of generosity by HFS FCU members, over 2,000 vulnerable children on Hawai’i Island will receive a backpack full of nutritious and easy to prepare food which will help them to develop, learn and thrive,” said Kristin Frost Albrecht, executive director, The Food Basket. “Our warmest mahalo to all the HFS FCU staff and members who donated to the ʻWe Got Your Backʻ Keiki Backpack Program for your help in making sure all children on our island have enough to eat.”
The “We’ve Got Your Back” Keiki Backpack Program offers nutritional supplements to low-income elementary school-aged children at schools with a high number of free and reduced lunches. Keiki will receive their bags before long school breaks or weekends when they may not have meals available to them. Albrecht highlighted that the number of keiki receiving free and reduced lunches has increased since the prior year. The HFS donation will help expand the number of keiki that can be supported by the program.
“This year we are simply in awe of the kindness and support we received from our members and staff,” said HFS FCU Marketing Coordinator, Ashley Yamamoto.
“Mahalo to The Food Basket for having this amazing program available to our keiki and tirelessly working toward ending hunger on our island,” said HFS FCU Marketing Specialist, Jesica Pacheco. “You can tell that they have such aloha for people and passion for what they do, it’s truly inspiring,”