Hula Voices Series Continues at Volcano Art Center

Kumu Kini Kaʻawa will be the featured guest for Hula Voices at the Volcano Art Center on
Wednesday, April 3, 2019. PC: Dino Morrow Photography
The Volcano Art Center’s 2019 Hula Voices series continues on Wednesday, April 3, 2019, with Kumu Kini K. Kaʻawa and moderator Desiree Moana Cruz.
Hula Voices is an oral history project, presenting an engaging, intimate talk story session with Hawai‘i Island’s hula practitioners, as they share their hula genealogy, traditions, protocols and experiences.
These free, educational offerings occur regularly on the first Wednesday of each month, from 5:30 to 7 p.m. at the Volcano Art Center Gallery in Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park.
Park entrance fees may apply.
Ka‘awa, eldest daughter of Michael Ka‘awa and Makalapua Alencastre, was born and
raised on the sands of Kailua of Oʻahu. She has danced hula her entire life. She is one of 11
students in the first graduating class of the Hawaiian Immersion Program and is a graduate of Ka Haka ʻUla o Keʻelikōlani, with multiple degrees including a bachelor’s degree in Hawaiian Studies, a Kahuawaiola Indigenous Teacher Education Graduate Program certificate and a master’s degree in Indigenous Language and Culture Education.
Kumu Hula Hoakalei Kamauʻu was her mother’s instructor—where her hula heartbeat originated.
She danced under Chinky Mahoe from age 4 to her young adult life, yet since many kumu hula were involved with the Hawaiian language revitalization program, Ka‘awa has had the unique opportunity to train under various teachers.
As an adult, her hula journey lead her to learn and connect with numerous hula lineages, all of
which contributes to her hula maturity.
She has been an Hawaiian educator in public and private schools for 20 years. This is her third year as the kumu ʻōlelo (language), ʻike (cultural) and hula (dance) Hawaiʻi at Kua O Ka Lā, NCPCS, working with students from grades K to 12. She is also a professional development and ʻohana engagement projects teacher.
She continues to instruct traditional hula, create contemporary hula, and evolve hula into the classroom as a means to instruct school standards of various subjects.
These programs are supported in part by a grant from the Hawaiʻi Tourism Authority, the County of Hawaiʻi Department of Research and Development and individual funding from members of the Volcano Art Center’s ʻohana.
About Volcano Art Center
Volcano Art Center is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization created in 1974 whose mission is to promote, develop and perpetuate the artistic, cultural and environmental heritage of Hawai‘i’s people
through the arts and education. Visit