4 PM: Cracks Continue on Highway 11
This news story will be updated throughout the day as new information becomes available and new articles will be added to the website’s “News” section. Previous information about ongoing events can be found in Big Island Now’s “Volcano Blog” section.
Saturday, July 21, 2018, 4 p.m.: Cracks in Road on Highway 11
The Hawaiian Volcano Observatory reports that eruption activity continues from Fissure 8 into the lava channel flowing to the ocean entry at Ahalanui producing a large laze plume. As of this morning’s overflight report, the southern margin of the flow is approximately .25 miles from Isaac Hale/Pohoiki Boat Ramp. Earthquakes continue at the Kīlauea summit.

This image is from a temporary research camera positioned near Kapoho looking southwest. From left to right, one can see the eruptive fissures, with Fissure 15 on the far left, and Fissure 8 near the center. July 21, 2018. Click to enlarge. PC: USGS
On roadway updates for the Volcano area, State Highways reports that a speed limit of 25 miles per hour is in effect on Highway 11 between the 28 and 30 mile markers due to cracks in the road. Motorists are advised to stay on the pavement and be on the alert for changing roadway conditions.
The following policies remain in effect:
- Do not access the active flow field due to extreme hazard. Be aware that channel overflows and breakouts are possible on the active flow field.
- The ocean entry continues to produce a “laze” plume. Take precautions and stay out of the plume to avoid exposure to hydrochloric acid and glass particles which can irritate the skin, eyes, and lungs.
- Residents are reminded to check utility connections of gas, water and electricity after earthquakes.
Saturday, July 21, 2018, 9:49 a.m.: No Tsunami From 5.4-M Quake
The Hawaiian Volcano Observatory reports a collapse event with energy equal to a 5.4-magnitude earthquake has occurred at Halema‘uma‘u Crater at 9:44 a.m.
The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center reports there is no tsunami threat to the island of Hawai‘i.
Due to the volcanic activity, the following is provided for your awareness:
Residents in the area affected by earthquakes are advised to monitor utility connections of gas, electricity, and water after earthquakes.
Be on the lookout for road cracks while driving.
If ash is observed, stay indoors or seek cover.
6 a.m.: Fissure 8 Flow Remains .25 Miles from Isaac Hale-Pohoiki Boat Ramp
The Hawaiian Volcano Observatory reports that eruption activity continues from Fissure 8 into the lava channel flowing to the ocean entry at Ahalanui producing a large laze plume.
As of yesterday’s overflight report, the southern margin of the flow is approximately .25 miles from Isaac Hale-Pohoiki Boat Ramp.
On roadway updates for the Volcano area, State Highways reports that a speed limit of 25 miles per hour is in effect on Highway 11 between the 28 and 30 Mile Markers due to cracks in the road.
Motorists are advised to stay on the pavement and be on the alert for changing roadway conditions.

During their early morning overflight on July 20, 2018, USGS scientists captured this view showing three of the five volcanoes that comprise the Island of Hawai‘i: Mauna Loa (distant upper left), Mauna Kea (distant right), and Kīlauea (foreground), with the fissure 8 vent and channelized lava flow on the volcano’s lower East Rift Zone. PC: USGS
The following policies remain in effect:
- Do not access the active flow field due to extreme hazard. Be aware that channel overflows and breakouts are possible on the active flow field.
- The ocean entry continues to produce a “laze” plume. Take precautions and stay out of the plume to avoid exposure to hydrochloric acid and glass particles which can irritate the skin, eyes, and lungs.
Disaster assistance is available island-wide to individuals and businesses in Hawai‘i County that have been affected by the Kīlauea eruption.
The Disaster Recovery Center located at the Kea‘au High School Gym is open Saturdays from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. If you need a ride, buses run between the two shelters and the Disaster Recovery Center.
Visit www.DisasterAssistance.gov to register online and for a list of information to bring to the Disaster Recovery Center.
Access placards are available at the Civil Defense office located at 920 Ululani St. in Hilo.