Children’s Bible Published in Hawaiian Language

Gerard Aflague recently published four new children’s Bible story books translated into Hawaiian, Samoan, Tongan and Chamorro.
Gerard Aflague, a Guamanian publisher of children’s books sold under the Gerard Aflague Collection, recently published four new children’s Bible story books translated into Hawaiian, Samoan, Tongan and Chamorro (spoken on Guam and in the Northern Mariana Islands)—each with English translations.
Aflague, the book’s designer, was passionate about offering a children’s story Bible that would be translated in a variety of Micronesian and Polynesian languages to support language learning by children with the support of their parents.
His passion to author, illustrate and self-publish children’s books offered him the opportunity to give back to his people, and to the larger Pacific Islander communities.
“At a time when social media offers avenues to share new and exciting cultural learning opportunities, the launch of these books provides a unique means to share cultures across the Pacific,” Aflague said. “These children’s bibles are a gift from his family to the larger islander communities across the Pacific.”
Mary Aflague, editor of the books, said that their content includes visual illustrations that are brightly colored and vivid, retelling 16 of the more recognizable Bible stories, including the Creation Story, Noah’s Ark, Baby Moses, Daniel in the Lion’s Den, Jesus Heals the Blind Man, Jesus’ Crucifixion, Jesus’ Resurrection and Jesus’ Second Coming.”
The Aflagues worked on the books from both Guam and Colorado; the illustrator worked from India and many translators from Guam and Polynesia assisted across the miles.
To learn more about the books, click on the links below.
My First Hawaiian Children’s Bible Stories
My First Chamorro Children’s Bible Stories
My First Samoan Children’s Bible Stories
My First Tongan Children’s Bible Stories
My First Children’s Bible Stories (English)
These books are available on, and