LETTER: One Day, Honolulu Will Have Disaster Park Like Hilo
Saturday was the anniversary of the April 1 Tsunami in Hilo that killed 159 people.
In Hilo, the entire city was moved back away from the vulnerable coastline and the shoreline made into a memorial park.
In Japan after the major tsunami, they are building major sea walls and have a commemoration park to remind of the damage.
In Honolulu the City and HART rail are building rail stations and Transit Oriented Development at low sea level right next to the shoreline where there will be billions of damage to infrastructure, including the Sand Island WWTP which will be destroyed.
There is absolutely zero future planning by Honolulu for a major tsunami, hurricane storm surge or sea level rise.
In fact the rail project even lied about this in the final EIS.
The mayor calls himself the “Infrastructure Mayor.”
One day, Honolulu will have a disaster park like Hilo and Japan has now.
We will thank all of the city and HART rail “planners” for doing nothing in the way of planning for it.