Solemsaas Selected as Hawai’i Community College Chancellor Recommendation
After going through final interviews and public presentations, the search for Hawai’i Community College’s next chancellor has been narrowed to one.
The four underwent a final round of interviews and open forum sessions before Solemsaas became the recommended candidate to the Board of Regents.
Solemsaas is the current vice president for finance and administrative services at Truckee Meadows College in Nevada. Should she receive approval by the full board, she will begin her new role on July 1.
The full board will meet next Thursday, where they will review the selection before providing final approval.
“The community colleges play a critical role in meeting Hawai’i’s workforce needs and opening up higher education for its citizens,” said John Morton, vice president for community colleges. “Dr. Solemsaas’ extensive experience and her passion for meeting the needs of underserved populations will help provide the leadership to enable Hawai’i Community College to create these employment and education opportunities for all of the Big Island residents.”
Solemsaas earned a doctorate of education in higher education with an emphasis on community college leadership from Washington State University. She also holds a master’s in public administration from the University of Washington and has a bachelor of science in accounting from De La Salle University in Manila.