Pahoa Roundabout Meeting Scheduled
A public information meeting regarding the Pahoa Roundabout will be hosted by the Hawai’i Department of Transportation on April 7. Senator Lorraine Inouye, along with County Council Members Greggor Ilagan and Daniel K. Paleka, will also be a part of the session.
The meeting’s main focus will be the anticipated opening date of the new roundabout in Pahoa, and highlight ongoing work and information on the project’s schedule.
At the meeting, a display station with a demonstration of how to drive through a roundabout will also be available for the public to learn.
The meeting will run from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the Pahoa Neighborhood Center.
Anyone in need of an auxiliary aid or specific service should contact J. Sonomura at 933-8866 or e-mail