Yuletide Cheer at West Hawai’i Public Libraries
The Hawai’i State Public Library System plans to hold a variety of free Christmas programs at public libraries across the state, including the Kailua-Kona Public Library and the Kealakekua Public Library.
Young children are required to be accompanied by a parent or caregiver.
From Dec. 1 through 12, ornaments will be on display at the Kailua-Kona Public Library as part of the “Vote for Favorite Hawai’i Island-themed Ornament Contest.” One vote is allowed for each category per day. Ornaments in each category with the highest number of votes will win a $10 gift card.
The Kealakekua Public Library will host a free “Holiday Craft: Making Christmas Boxes” event at 11 a.m. on Dec. 5. Joan Bovee, a library volunteer, will guide participants in creating a colorful box to use for packaging presents. The workshop is limited to 15 participants, ages 7 and older. Call 323-7585 to reserve your spot.
On Dec. 12, at the Kealakekua Public Library adults can join in for an 11 a.m. “Paper Cutting: Holiday Centerpieces” workshop. Learn to create three-dimensional paper ornaments for table centerpieces from Michelle Kenney using scissors and X-acto knives.
Anyone in need of a sign language interpreter or other special accommodation should contact the library as early as possible.