Zentangle…The Journey of a Tea Bag at VAC
The journey of a tag bag, Zentangle style, will be presented at the Volcano Art Center on Saturday, Nov. 14. Attendees will sip on tea and enjoy the art form of Zentangle with instructors Lois and Earl Strokes.
On the workshop agenda is making a traditional origami envelope with a tea bag inside and a card lit by a LED tea light.
Basic Zentagle knowledge is recommended but not required for the class.
“Anything is possible one stroke at a time,” according to Lois and Earl Stokes. “Zentangle is an easy-to-learn, relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns. ”
The Saturday even will be held from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and costs $35 for the public and $30 for VAC members. An additional $10 supply fee is also required.
To register for the class, call 967-8222 or visit the Volcano Art Center website.