Free Divorce Legal Aid Meeting in Honoka’a
A free information program, “Know about Divorce, Paternity, and Custody Law,” will be presented by Ramona Herlihy at the Honoka’a Public Library on Monday, April 27 at 5:30 p.m.
The information workshop is intended for parents and married couples who are interested in learning more information about family law.
Herlihy is an AmeriCorps member of the Hilo Legal Aid Office and will provide a general overview of divorce, paternity, and custody law. During the program, participants will be introduced to the Access to Justice interactive forms and legal information available online.
Additionally, Herlihy will share information about other agencies that may help and the program will end with a question-and-answer segment.
This is the second program in the “Know Your Legal Rights” series that is being conducted throughout the state by the Legal Aid Society of Hawai’i. Ten public libraries are participating in the programs through an Access to Justice grant.
The one-hour program is being sponsored by the Hawai’i State Judiciary, State Justice Institute, Legal Aid Society of Hawai’i, and the Hawai’i State Public Library System.
Those who may need a sign language interpreter or other special accommodations, or those who are interested in learning more should contact the Honoka’a Public Library at 775-8881.