39th Annual Horse Show at HPA
The 39th Annual Horse Show will take place at Hawai’i Preparatory Academy’s Upper Campus on Sunday, April 12 at 9 a.m.
Nacy Steinecke will judge the show, which will feature Jumping and Play Day events. She has been instructing and training in the equestrian venue for more than 40 years.
Currently, Steinnecke is one of three Licensed Dressage Judges with the United States Equestrian Federation in Hawai’i. She is also the only Licensed Dressage Technical Delegate with the USEF in the state.
Riders at the free public event will compete in the following Play Day classes:
- Walk/Trot Pleasure (English or Western)
- Pleasure (English or Western)
- Walk/Trot Equitation (English or Western)
- Equitation (English or Western)
- Stalls Game (timed ride maneuvering between poles laid on the ground)
- Bucket Elimination (English or Western)
- Ribbon Race (English or Western)
- Balance and Hold Game (English or Western)
- Potato Race
- Ride and Lead (English or Western)
- Walk Race (English or Western)
- Bending Poles
- Barrel Race
- Roll ʻem Back Jumpers
- Cross Rails – Trot and/or Canter
- Cross Rails Equitation
- Jumper Over Cross Rails
- Hunter Jack 2ʻ3″ Trot or Canter
- Hunter Jack 2ʻ6″
- Equitation Over Fences – Open 2ʻ3″ to 2ʻ6″
- Open Jumper 2ʻ3 to 2ʻ6″ Timed First Round with Time Allowed and Time Limit
Those interested in participating in the events have until April 3 to submit their entry. The entry fee is $7 per class plus a $10 non-refundable office fee.
For additional information, contact show manager Judy Folk by calling (808) 885-4302 or through e-mail at jfolk@hawaiiantel.net.