Water Shut-Off Along Manono Street Next Week
The Department of Water Supply has announced that it will temporarily shut-off water service along Manono Street between Lanikaula Street and Kekuanaoa Street in South Hilo on Wednesday, March 25 between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. as a water main connection is made for a new fire hydrant. Shut-off of water is this area is part of the Manono Street Improvements Project.
Once water service is resumed, the lines will be flushed. Customers may take notice of discolored or turbid water, in addition to air trapped in plumbing. These inconveniences will dissipate as water is used.
Customers in the affected area are also asked to take the necessary precautions to protect devices and facilities that may depend on water pressure or supply.
Questions about the water shut-off should be directed to Carl Nishimura, District Supervisor, at (808) 961-8790.