June 27 Lava Flow Update – 3/12/15
The south margin breakout of the June 27 lava flow has not advanced or shown any signs of activity since Wednesday morning when the flow had advanced 130 yards in the previous 24 hour period.
Hawai’i County Civil Defense reported the lack of activity following its Thursday morning overflight assessment of the flow. The leading edge of the south margin breakout remains 0.6 miles upslope from Highway 130.
Activity continues along both margins of the flow, beginning above the stalled flow fronts all the way up to the summit area. Civil Defense says that these breakouts on the pad and along the flow length provide indication that lava continues to be supplied from the source and is traveling downslope.
None of the lava activity at the current time is posing a threat to communities in the area. Civil Defense, along with Hawaiian Volcano Observatory, will continue to monitor conditions and keep the public informed of any changes.
Light to moderate smoke and vog conditions were reported Thursday morning as a light southwest wind was blowing smoke and vog in a northeast direction. These conditions, as usual, have the possibility of increasing. Individuals who are sensitive are advised to take necessary precautions.

This photo, taken March 10, shows the upslope breakout near vent. Hawai’i County Civil Defense photo.

This photo, taken March 10, shows a view from the south flow margin, looking down slope towards Hwy 130, Pahoa Marketplace, and Apaa Street. Hawai’i County Civil Defense photo.