DLNR Citing More Illegal Vendors at State Parks
State officials are reporting a rise in violations of vendors illegally using state land for unauthorized commercial activities.
Authorities with the enforcement division of the state Department of Land and Natural Resources say there has been a significant increase in violations throughout Kauaʻi County in particular, with citations issued at both ʻŌpaekaʻa and Wailua Falls.
DLNR Chairperson William Aila Jr. commented in an agency press release saying the illegal activity negatively impacts a visitor’s experience by “decreasing accessibility, devaluing the wilderness experience, and overusing resources.”
Under the state’s administrative rules governing state parks, it is illegal to sell craft items and other merchandise or conduct commercial activities without a permit.
“Commercial activities also include activities whose base of operations are outside the boundaries of the state park, or provide transportation to or from the state park,” DLNR officials said.
The violation is considered a petty misdemeanor, punishable by up to $1,000 in fines and 30 days in jail, and potential seizure and forfeiture of tools, equipment or vehicles used in violation of the law.
Earlier this year, the Board of Land and Natural Resources reportedly issued an order against a Maui company to cease operations at Wailea Beach after receiving complaints that included unattended kayaks and crowding of the shoreline with pre-set beach chairs.