Kealakehe a Finalist in Consumer Education Competition
A team from a Big Island high school is among four in the state finals in the LifeSmarts Hawaii Competition, which tests students on their level of consumer education.
Kealakehe in Kona will join Farrington High School and two teams from Waipahu High School in the competition to be held Saturday, Feb. 8, at the State Capitol Auditorium.
The winner of the state finals will represent Hawaii at the National LifeSmarts Competition from April 26-29 in Orlando, Fla.
LifeSmarts is a consumer education competition that tests teens in grades 6-12 about personal finance, health and safety, the environment, technology, and consumer rights and responsibilities.
The LifeSmarts Hawaii program is sponsored by the Office of the Securities Commissioner in the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs in partnership with the Hawaii Credit Union League and the National Consumers League.
For more information or to sign up a team for next year, contact state coordinator Theresa Kong Kee, at (808) 587-7400 or
For up-to-date information on the LifeSmarts Hawaii program, connect with the Office of the Securities Commissioner on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram by searching “HISecurities.”