Funding Complete for New Interisland Cargo Terminal in Hilo
Gov. Neil Abercrombie today released nearly $45 million for construction of a new pier at Hilo’s harbor.
The appropriation by state lawmakers for the new Pier 4 will pay for a new wharf, utilities, mooring system and associated site work.
The funding, part of $147.8 million released today for transportation projects statewide, will pay for the completion of the port’s new inter-island barge terminal facility, the governor’s office said in a press release.

This aerial photo shows where the new Pier 4 will be in relation to existing Hilo Harbor facilities (click to enlarge). Courtesy image.
The governor in April released $6 million to pay for widening of Kumau Street to accommodate movement of cargo between new Pier 4 and Kalanianaole Street, and a related appropriation of $1.8 million for work connected to the development of Pier 4.
A groundbreaking was held in 2011 for Pier 4, a $55 million project being built on the Hilo side of the harbor.
Pier 4 will be the harbor’s second inter-island cargo pier. The other one, Pier 2, was built in the 1920s, and is unable to accommodate some modern cargo-handling equipment. Its proximity to cruise ship dockings at piers 1 and 3 also presents logistical conflicts.
The other Big Island project receiving capital improvement funds released today was a roundabout at the accident-prone intersection of the Keaau-Pahoa Road and Pahoa Village Road. Abercrombie released $490,000 for that project.
Funding released today for projects elsewhere in the state can be found here.