Dengue: Case Count Holds at 202

The Department of Health “risk area” map as of Dec. 30, which shows areas with high, moderate, or some risk of catching dengue fever. DOH image.
The Hawai’i Department of Health says no new cases of dengue fever have been added to the overall count since Friday, Jan. 1.
As of Monday, the number of confirmed cases sits at a total of 202. Of the total, including past and present infections, five individuals may currently be infectious.
A total of 20 visitors to the island have been infected with dengue fever. The additional 182 have been Big Island residents.
The overall number of 202 confirmed dengue cases includes 38 individuals listed as children, or those under the age of 18.
DOH officials report the most recent recorded onset of illness as Dec. 27.
In all, 772 reported potential cases of the illness have been excluded from the overall count as a result of negative test results or not meeting case criteria.
Symptoms of dengue fever include fever, joint or muscle pain, headache or pain behind the eyes, and rash.
Those interested in obtaining general information about the current Big Island dengue fever investigation should call 2-1-1 and talk with Aloha United Way.
Anyone who thinks they may have contracted dengue fever on the Big Island should call 933-0912 if they are located in East Hawai‘i or 322-4877 in West Hawai‘i. If an individual is currently ill and concerned that they may have contracted dengue fever, they should contact their primary care physician.
Mosquito concerns should be reported to 974-6010 in East Hawai‘i or 322-1513 in West Hawai‘i.
For more information, visit the DOH website.