#Hawaii Climate Change
State Climate Commission emphasizes clean transportation choices for Hawaiʻi
The Hawaiʻi State Climate Commission released reports suggesting investing in clean transportation alternatives that promote walking, biking, rolling and transit, will help address climate change.
Public comment until June 1 for Hawaiʻi County’s draft integrated climate action plan
The draft of the Integrated Climate Action Plan for Hawaiʻi County is now online, with public comment accepted until June 1.
Climate Change, El Niño and Weather Near You
El Niño events cause serious shifts in weather patterns across the globe, and scientists are keen to answer the question of how climate change will affect the generation of strong El Niño events.
Equator Prize Winners Attend NYC Summit
Recognition of Hawaii’s contributions at the international gathering in New York City this week underscores the momentum for a global movement of local success.
UPDATE: Sen. Schatz Comments on Commodity Futures Trading Commission Meeting
Senators applauded Commodity Futures Trading Commissioner Rostin Behnam in a letter for leading a public meeting on climate-related financial risks.
‘Game of Extremes’ Climate Workshop Set for April 3
This workshop is meant to be a fun way to learn about climate change, its impacts and how we can adapt.
Senators Hold Oil Companies Responsible for Climate Change
Six Democratic senators have filed a brief arguing that major oil companies and producers have interfered and blocked action in Congress on climate change.
Lawmakers Introduce Green New Deal Resolution
The Green New Deal Resolution lays out the goals and projects for a 10-year national mobilization.
Sen. Schatz Comments on New Call for Climate Action
U.S. Sen. Brian Schatz released a statement in response to a new call for climate action from a bipartisan group of 45 top economists.
REPORT: Climate Change to Cost Hawai‘i $19 Billion
In Hawaiʻi, the value of all structures and land expected to be flooded by 2100 amounts to more than $19 billion statewide.
STUDY: Shifting Hurricane Tracks Increase Hawai‘i’s Flood Risks
The northward shift of hurricanes toward the Hawaiian Islands will increase the chance of landfall and pose severe flood risks to population and infrastructure.
Climate Commission Leadership Applauds Honolulu Directive
Mayor directs city & county to address sea level rise impacts.
Climate Change Talk & Discussion
“Climate Change and Hawaii: From Global to Local” will be presented by UH Hilo Geography & Environmental Science Associate Professor Dr. Ryan Perroy.
The Pros and Cons of Living on Hawai‘i Island
A local's perspective on what you should know if you are considering a move to the Big Island…
The Pros and Cons of Living on Hawai‘i Island
A local's perspective on what you should know if you are considering a move to the Big Island…
The Pros and Cons of Living on Hawai‘i Island
A local's perspective on what you should know if you are considering a move to the Big Island…
The Pros and Cons of Living on Hawai‘i Island
A local's perspective on what you should know if you are considering a move to the Big Island…
The Pros and Cons of Living on Hawai‘i Island
A local's perspective on what you should know if you are considering a move to the Big Island…
The Pros and Cons of Living on Hawai‘i Island
A local's perspective on what you should know if you are considering a move to the Big Island…
The Pros and Cons of Living on Hawai‘i Island
A local's perspective on what you should know if you are considering a move to the Big Island…