#food stamps
USDA calls for 2.3% hike in SNAP benefits to reflect food costs in islands
Proposal would provide a $40 monthly increase in benefits a family of 4 in Hawai‘i receives through the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, often still referred to as food stamps.
‘Huge relief’: SNAP policy change will help tens of thousands of additional Hawai‘i families
Hawai‘i will eliminate the “net income limit” for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP, commonly called food stamps, which could extend benefits to 13,000 to 14,000 more households throughout the state by next year.
USDA begins process of updating SNAP benefits in Hawai‘i to reflect high food costs
On Thursday, the federal agriculture department began seeking information from Hawai‘i stakeholders about food costs and how SNAP can better serve the state’s communities. Information gathering will continue through March 4.